Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Douche Vortex

This vortex of nodal douchedom represents a key nexus point on the quantum space-time douche axis. In short, it’s a douche singularity.

Refracting light, bending gravity itself, this douche vortex registers on richter scales in Osaka and neutrino oscillation detectors in the southern region of Istambul (not Constantinople).

It is that powerful.

Physicists are still debating whether Douche Pull factors of (a)XiS>T(ag) outweigh the bl/i(ng) {s(cr) x 0(t)=e} methodology.

What we do know, is that DB1 would gather twigs, string and bark and build a nest for the summer down in the nether regions of aqua blue phantasmagorical dreamland.

# posted by douchebag1

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