Monday, March 19, 2007

The Frog

(Pic Changed — See Below)

I know. I’ve written previously on the manifestation of Douche Spirit self actualizing through the use of bling, hand gesture, forehead grease, facial douche and various articles of ‘bag clothing. And I’m not saying this choady blob doesn’t warrant douche status based on the shirt, the cig and the general facial scrote.

But none of that is what intrigues me about this pic. It’s that this dude just looks like a frog.

It kills me to violate my own dictum, as I’ve often insisted one must take action to be douche, and not simply “be.”

Yet here’s Froggy. Oh sure, the shirt is uber-douche and she’s a sultry, dark haired hottie with a sexy overbite. But, well, Frog.


EDIT: Well I’m not sure about Froggy, but some of the commenters thought he might’ve been actually “challenged,” so I’ve swapped out his pic with one from the classic z-grade Roger Corman flick, YellowTail-Frog. Because when I pick on the ‘bags, I want to pick on real ‘bags.

As to YellowTail-Frog, that wacky Roger Corman strikes again. Trying to rip off “The Fly” with the genetic splicing between frog and skeezy old ‘bag. Not one of his better knock-offs. Stick with Carnosaur.

# posted by douchebag1

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