Thursday, April 19, 2007


After the uber ‘baggery of the past few days, including the HCwDB of the Month review, I thought we’d need a stage-1 or stage-2 ‘bagger to help us relax a bit. Then again, I’m not sure this wank serves that purpose.

With heaping servings of douche-face, frosty hair, standard issue ‘bag bling, and of course, the obnoxious shirt message, which is fast replacing Dog Tags (which replaced Jesus Bling) as the go-to signifier of rank douchebaggery, he is… uhm how you say in English… poo.

She’s no Purg Hottie, but with a great smile and a fantastically curvy body, I would definitely work out to Richard Simmons “Sweatin’ To The Oldies” just for an opportunity to neuter her cat.

HCwDB of the Month voting will remain open through midnight, mainly because the higher math involved in adding up a four way vote is too much for DB1’s hangover this morning. So get yer vote in if you haven’t already.

# posted by douchebag1

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