Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Baseball Thwack

Remember being whacked in the head and knocked on your ass back when you were a kid?

You’re eleven or twelve years old and you’re running around on the playground, and you distantly hear some older kid yell out a “heads up!” only to catch a whirling blur out of the corner of your eye moments before,… THWACK, a baseball to the side of your head. You weren’t even playing, just jogging across the field to meet a few friends. Your friends saw the whole thing, they’re not sure whether to laugh at your sorry ass or call a teacher to come help.

Okay, perhaps that extremely specific anecdote just relates to me. But conceptually I’m sure you’ve had similar moments. Moments where you find yourself knocked over on your ass of the school field, your temple throbbing, your stomach on the verge of puking, and a few 9th graders staring at you, smirking, wondering if you’re dead or not. Stupid 9th graders. Get back to physics class before Mr. Henessey catches you.

This pic is the adult version of that childhood head thwack. A mixture of surprise, pain, confusion, discombobulation, a touch of humiliation and the vague desire to throw up. It is a digital pixelated baseball to the side of a twelve year olds head.

# posted by douchebag1

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