Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Lizard 'Bag

Okay, that last guy kicked my ass, so I need some reptile spew to make fun of. This mutant choad is exactly what the doctor ordered. And by doctor I mean pink tube top overflowing with cleavite goodness.

He is The Lizard ‘Bag. Feed him insects. If you pull off his tail, it will regrow. Either way, I can mock his pink shirted douchebaggery, his classic ‘bag headbutt, and at least some semblance to my world paradigm has been restored. The proper HCwDB balance, in all its wrongness, somehow reassures me. Unlike the previous non ‘bag’s score. At least I can rage against this desert creature. He may not be the douchiest fish in the toolbox, but it’s enough for now.

# posted by douchebag1

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