Saturday, May 12, 2007

Pillsbury Douche Boy

It’s not that this choad is literally fat per se, but something about his douche-essence makes me want to poke him in the belly and see if he’ll go “hee hee!” He is pillsbury douchey douchitude personified. Wisp hair. mid 1980s retro Jams. And shrunken nips the site of chicklets.

Add in the fact he’s trying to look badass while balancing precariously on a beach chair with the metal pole likely shoved up his ass, and you have recipe for Beach Choad.

Hot Wings Hottie features two drumsticks I would dip in honey BBQ sauce and snack on like six hungry homies at a cookout in east L.A. She is deep fried crispy goodness.

# posted by douchebag1

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