Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Long Journey

During my long existential journey trolling through the swamplands of MySpace/Facebook hottie-douchey wrongness, I have found my soul vexed by many troubling questions.

What are the root causes of douche-hot duality? How does Grieco Virus spread its greasy plague from city to city, ‘Bag to ‘Bag, ‘Bag to Hottie and Hottie to Hottie?

My journey, my vision quest, into the dark festering land of douchitude has offered some answers, but also opened doors to more soul troubling questions. Do greased up uberchoadbags possess awareness? Does the inflated tat-douche ponder quandaries of being and nothingness? Do Hotties know not what they do? And can we forgive?

Most imporantly, can your humble narrator, The DB1, drink a six pack of PBR, down three packets of tasty Hostess HoHos, and still cruise high school parking lots in a beat up Chevy Cavalier?

# posted by douchebag1

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