Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sonny Chebag

Sonny Chebag knows how to chopstick the hotties with the power of true douchitude. He is Kung Fu Douchin’. Feel his scrotey zen powers manifest and coalesce like the wizards of wor. The warlocks of wiz.

Sonny is a disciple of the Buddhist Monks of Douchapest. Thus, he is both douche, and pest.

The chicks are sadly infected by the ‘Bag virus to a state of pure douchebaguette. There is no saving them. Which saddens me. Because I care. It’s not just about their boobs. It’s about their souls.

So even though I sense how far they are lost to the power of the douche-side, I weep for their hotness.

For I would recite experimental theater dialogue written by Richard Foreman while slapping myself with a pancake just for the chance to attend avant-garde musical ukulele performances with their second cousins. Especially Jenny McCarthy inflated blond on the right. She can peroxide my kittens any day and twice on sundays.

# posted by douchebag1

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