Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sloth Jr. II

I would set sail into the Pacific on a small Hong Kong junk-boat with only my cunning and sixteen packets of cheetos to survive just for the chance to fondle Princess Hottie’s bandana with a tub of jello and a vat of bacon grease. Because I like to get freaky like that.

Sloth Jr.’s next-generation douchebaggery reaches new heights with the chin fungus outline.

Please do not go out and kick nine year old British orphan girls after viewing this pic. If there’s anything I’d hate to be responsible for, it’s causing a mass systemic kicking of nine year old British orphan girls. Because they just want some more porridge. It’s not their fault Sloth Jr. is a raging hemorrhoidic douchebag.

# posted by douchebag1

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