Monday, September 17, 2007

Billy Go Potty

Then there are the hottie/douchey couples that simply disturb. No amount of curvy soft boobage, nor mockable tatted up burnt out rocker choad, can demystify the stench of wrong. They are simply a vortex of karmic societal pain personified in the frozen duality of heterosexual dalliance.

Take Billy Go Potty and His Squatting Hottie, pictured here. They dance the douchetron dance at what appears to be Douche Mecca itself, the Hard Rock Casino’s Rehab party.

As such, they form a singularity of suck. There is no recovery for the hottie who dances so close to Billy Goes Potty. There is only the darkness of finger tattoos.

What saddens me is Billy’s sporting the Kirk Douglas chin dimple. And Kirk Douglas kicks ass. No douche should be allowed the Kirk Douglas chin dimple. Not in any sane or just world.

Only Spartacus gets the dimple. And Billy is not Spartacus.

# posted by douchebag1

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