Monday, October 8, 2007

K Hottie Goes 'Bag Hunting

Reader K Hottie writes in with the following ‘bag hunting pic and capture story:

Hi DB1!

I was out at this club in Tampa/Clearwater and saw this HUGE Douchebag dancing alone in a cleared out section of the dance floor. He was all greased up and he would’ve sworn he was Britney’s back-up dancer/future ex-husband.

I immediately thought of HCwDB and asked some of the girls I was with if they were willing to subject themselves to his oozing douchness for the sake of comedy.

(FYI: I’m the blonde on the far left . . .)

I was not at all surprised when he GLADLY said he would take a picture with us as long as we didn’t touch him and mess up his body oil. WOW. The picture is a classic. The tongue, the tatt’s, the cocked hat, the nasty undershirt tucked into his Tommy jeans and revealing his FTL’s. Nasty ass. Ugh.

Then he proceeded to follow us for the rest of the night with his camera phone. Yuck. It will be worth it though when I see the hilarious comments you and our fellow ‘bag hunters make. Also, my VERY DRUNK friend did manage to throw up the USF Bulls sign to the left of his head while “messing up his body oil”.



Oh, K Hottie, a sexy perky gorgeous ball of blonde with a sense of humor and the ability to capture a stage-4 uber-douche in his natural environment. You are hottie and ‘bag hunter in one complete package of hott. I tip my cup of Night Train to you, sweet princess, and quietly hump your childhood teddy bear.

# posted by douchebag1

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