Sunday, October 14, 2007

The King of Comedy

Oh King Douchuous the IV, you wacky situation comedy TV star. Cuddling the blond and making the ‘bag hand gesture? It’s like packaged uproarious mirth in the 8:30 slot on the Wednesday block on Fox 5.

How many more hijinks accompanied by canned laugh-track could you possibly get into? The situations are endless. Even juggled in syndication and aired out of order.

Because the order of broadcast may change, King D.

But the hilarity remains. And so do the boobies.

Because it’s Sunday. The DB1 badly needs a shower. And consistent scrotes like King D reassure us all that, like death and taxes, douchebaggery is always out there. Ready to be mocked. And to get us ready for tomorrow’s HCwDB of the Month.

# posted by douchebag1

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