Douche Baldwin
I’m sort of confused by Douche Baldwin’s aqua plaid “nerd” look. It’s like he raided Ken’s wardrobe from Real Genius, then launched into the brilliant scenery chewing I am God speech from Malice.
Dammit, too many film references for a Thursday.
Pokemom’s boobs and bling are a toxic swirl of hott and douchebaguette, rendering a deep rooted phallic confusion. Do I want to hump the Pokemom like a cracked out ferret? Or is there about to be a phone call in the background from a little boy looking for his mom, Maggie?
Yeah. I’m film referencing scat style like a riffing Cab Calloway because I’m hung over. I blame it on the booze. And the In-n-out Burgers. Those are good burgers, Walter.