Thursday, December 6, 2007

Douche Baldwin

I’m sort of confused by Douche Baldwin’s aqua plaid “nerd” look. It’s like he raided Ken’s wardrobe from Real Genius, then launched into the brilliant scenery chewing I am God speech from Malice.

Dammit, too many film references for a Thursday.

Pokemom’s boobs and bling are a toxic swirl of hott and douchebaguette, rendering a deep rooted phallic confusion. Do I want to hump the Pokemom like a cracked out ferret? Or is there about to be a phone call in the background from a little boy looking for his mom, Maggie?

Yeah. I’m film referencing scat style like a riffing Cab Calloway because I’m hung over. I blame it on the booze. And the In-n-out Burgers. Those are good burgers, Walter.

# posted by douchebag1

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