Monday, December 31, 2007

Soc says, Happy New Years!

One of the first breakout doucherstars here at HCwDB, Socrates — legendary thinker/philosopher of all that is ‘bag, wanted to drop by and wish you all an oil free and hottie filled New Years.

Soc doesn’t look up to his usual scrotey standards anymore. Either that, or our ‘bag hunting skills have gotten so much stronger since he first made an appearance on this site. To paraphrase The Dude, how can we go back to the family farm after seeing the Gator?

Then again, Soc’s hair is prepped into a linear X-Y-Z graph, ready for charting economic growth and international trade patterns in 2008.

Your humble ferryman on our collective journey through societal rot, The DB1 is planning a lovely evening of Manhattan debauchery for the New Years.

I will charm Downtown Soho Hotts with tales of adventures on the far seas battling gel pirates while saving the Vivian Girls in the Realms of the Unreal.

I will dazzle them with Ricky Jay inspired card tricks that I learned from a drunken merchant during my travels on a spice ship off the Madagascar flats.

Then drool on their ample cleavage while passing out at 2am and crying out for my lost stuffed panda, “Pandy,” that I left behind at a Toys R’ Us back in 1983.

# posted by douchebag1

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