Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Douchetini


It’s Friday Night and your lazy narrator in all things scrotey/shoulder, the DB1, contemplates this very equally weighted pic of overwhelming hott and underwhelming douche, and one and only one thought comes to mind.

Alcohol kills brain cells.

Which is a good thing.

I toast my cup of Night Train to another excellent week of ‘bag hunting and brilliant comments in the threads from the regulars. I welcome all the newbie ‘bag hunters and hotts to the site and hope you’ll stick around.

If you submitted a pic and I didn’t write back, I thank you for your submission and offer you a hypothetical doozer of sober busters.

I would slap an albino chicken and name him “Derek” just for the chance to gnaw on Kneeling Busty Brunette’s cotton balls during her last root canal. She is a dentist drill of sweet pleasure/pain.

Pinky McFrill in the back not only has the Mark of the ‘Bag, but, in case you couldn’t tell, is a steaming pile of ass.

Which is why we drink. Get drinkin’.

# posted by douchebag1

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