Monday, January 14, 2008

McCutie's 'Bag Tag

Reader McCutie goes ‘bag hunting and writes in with the following capture story:

Dear DB1,

My friends and I went to Hilton Head for a bachelorette party… Little did we know that Hilton Head is a sanctuary for douchebags!

On our second night we decided to have a contest of who could get a picture with the biggest douche. I think our contest went swimmingly. See for yourself…

— McCutie

I’m not sure what “Hilton Head” is, but I’m assuming it’s next to “Lohan Hand” and “Simpson Foot.” Regardless, nice capture McCutie, you seem to have found a K-Federbag in action.

And by action, I mean grease trail.

On an unrelated note, Photobag, the photographer of the Whale Squirts pic, does not get $50/day, that was a joke I inserted. Please do not email him requesting him to work your party at that rate.

# posted by douchebag1

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