Thursday, March 20, 2008

'Bag / Not a 'Bag

I need a ruling on this one.

Yes, he’s got the stupid trucker cap at 10 Degree Hat Tilt. And yes, he’s got the ginormous watch and worst of all, thumb bling.

But I can’t stamp choad on this guy. He just seems too goofy. I was leaning towards a nottadouche pass, but figured I’d open it up for debate.

She is elegant, delightful and classy. We would listen to Puccini operas on my retro hipster record player while we nibbled on creme brule and discussed philosophy. And then we would mush chocolate criossants on each other’s lower abdomens while riding around the room on a sheep dressed in a garter belt.

# posted by douchebag1

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