Friday, April 18, 2008

HCwDB Changes Lives

Lea writes in:


I know you probably get a lot of emails and stuff…but i have to tell you something.


It took me 3 years to get over my ex… who i grew up with, went to high school w/e you know the deal. really hard break up. I mean…like suicidal. He was a nice, modest guy- honestly…gave my life to up until the hardest years of college when everything fell apart.

I have been reading your site forever now…year and some….and i always wondered when and if i would see him on here- if he was douchey enough. I didn’t leave a good guy, who was going to move on from the dirty whore he cheated on me with and be some kind of humanitarian did i? and I DID.

he’s in the WHITE HORSE pic, the guy in the middle with the white shirt.

I can’t explain ………….how i feel. but this has given me an immense …sense of closure. Closure i never got. And BTW this is the first time in 3 years i have seen his face. (burning and deleting pictures was part of the break up ritual…as well as removing myself from all kinds of social interwebs like facebook and myspace etc etc so REALLY i have been isolated).

can i say thank you? would it be appropriate?

thanks you so much.


p.s: i would send a pic to be a candidate as your future ex wife but: 🙁 my fiancee is a loyal reader and he wouldn’t appreciate either the story or pics!

Oh Lea, my Lea, it’s my pleasure to mock and expose the douchescrotery of your ex.

I like to think of myself as a benevolent humanitarian. Doing my part for the larger good, all while mocking the scrote and lusting after the boobie hotts. It’s like a win/win for all. All except for John Mayer. That guy sucks.

# posted by douchebag1

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