Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ask DB1

Soviet Douche writes in:

with all this crap about nick hogan, I’m just thinking, can you please expound on the differences between the douche, and the even lesser life form, the tool who strives to be a douche?

How many ed hardy shirts/spraypaint hats must this individual acquire before he is accepted into the scrotal circle jerk?

Za Zdarovie,
Soviet Douche


This is a complex question, S.D., because so much of scrotological revelation comes from within. The putz who acquires the douchetributes (bling, tags, tribal tatts, hair spike, etc.) is simply manifesting what was already there to begin with.

Take the Mandankle, pictured here. Or, as some call it, the Mankledana. Innovative douchal maneuver? Absolutely. Part of a larger gesture towards scrotology? Without a doubt.

As such, the Mankledana reveals inner douchosity that was already there (along with tribal tatt, etc.)

Put simply, even the emerging ‘bagling, taking his first tentative steps towards roughly grabbing and headlocking any nearby girls to prove his societal worth, is either douche or is not douche.

There is no liminality. There are only shades of scrotal decay.

# posted by douchebag1

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