Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Snoop Dog

Jiu-Jitsu Middle Weight Champion Timothy Lopez writes in with the greatest Dog story of all time, from last weekend in Vegas:

Dear DB1,

Guess who I saw this weekend in Vegas??? And he was with this same girl. Anyways, let me give you a little back ground of what happened.

I look at your website daily for an inner giggle. So here is the story. I was in Vegas over the weekend for the UFC and after the fight we made it back to our hotel to hit the club. I was in the VIP line to go up to the club that is on the top of the Palms and I see none other than Dog with his girl in the other line!

He must have shaved two of the shoe string chin straps off his face because he only had one. I noticed a thick dude with a swirly tat on his arm. There is only one place that I have seen such a tat before, HCwDB. Aww YA.

I’m with my best friend who is the original person who told me of your site. I pointed the Dog out to him and he didn’t believe me. He popped out his I-Phone and we hunted him down in the archives and found this tender morsel of doucheness.

So there were five hot chicks behind us and wondered why we were giggling and laughing as we were pointing at the douche across from us. We proceeded to show the hot chicks the pictures of Dog… oh my God, one of the girls started crying because she was laughing so hard. Dog picked up on us laughing extremely loud at his expense.

That’s when it hit the fan.

Dog undid one of the ropes to the line that he was in and came over to have a ‘chat’. He asked, “What the F— was so funny?”, and was about 3 inches from my face. At this point, things escalated quickly.

I’m 31 years old, 5’9” – 170, I’m also the last years Pan American Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Purple Belt Middle Weight Champion. I actually train fighters and spar with them. I’m not a hot head, I just a chill mellow guy and I’ve been doing Jiu-Jitsu as a hobby for the last 15 years… Dog had no idea what he was in for.

The girls behind us all got quiet, and all eyes were on this douche who is in my face. Dog is deceivingly a smaller douche in person, by the way.

I told him I recognized him from HCwDB and that if he didn’t get out of my face that he would have the option of getting choked out or having a limb being broken, it was his call. I pushed the Dog by his face and at this juncture I’m not going to say any names, but one of the fighters that I train who is a very, very recognizable face in the UFC and the MMA world… for the purpose of this story I’ll call him “Mr. Not-so-Nice”, got between us and told Dog that not to mess with me, because would turn his world up side down. Security came but no one got kicked out of line. After the shove and the talk with “Mr. Not-so-Nice”, Dog tucked tail, turned around and walked back to his girl. As he was walking back to his place in line, “Mr. Not-so-Nice” pointed and yelled out that Dog is on “Mr. Not-so-Nice” also said that anyone could go to HCwDB’s and check in the May Archive and find him and if you go to the comments you can find him doing a gay stunt double photo shoot.

People were laughing and a lot of people pulled out their phones and I-Phones to check.

Dog got out of line and walked away with his girl, the hotts behind us in line bought us drinks and Mr. Not-so-Nice couldn’t get over the fact that he we saw Dog from True story.

Keep fighting the good fight DB1. I love your site!

– Timothy Lopez


EDIT: Here’s Dog’s “modeling” photos in question. Warning: Not Safe for Humanity, Modernity or Flamable Liquids.

# posted by douchebag1

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