Monday, May 26, 2008

The Mark of the Yank

What is with the Yankee Cap correlation to extreme scrotedouchery?

Did Reggie Jackson set off a chain reaction of events at Plato’s Retreat in 1979 that took twenty years to manifest as a global cultural douchenomenon?

Or was it the residual grease left behind by a Jason Giambi / Roger Clemens ‘roid pool party in the late 1990s that launched the “House of a Thousand Douchey Yankee Caps”?

It’s like this mysterious puzzle that I can’t unscramble. Why, the Yankees? Is it an arbitrary reappropriation of icon? Could it have been any insignia the ‘bags could have chosen to announce their ballsack fungery to the world? Say, the Brewers? Or an Ankh? Or a Sumerian sun god?

And if not, then why Yankees?

So is it bad that I can’t even see her face but I want to lick her cell phone like a confused marsupial?

# posted by douchebag1

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