Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Twiggy McGee

Yup, Twiggy McGee and Bouncy Pinkhott are the same couple from last Friday’s Rare-Ass Yellow Cup.

They’ve upgraded to stylin’ J.C. Penny action for a big night on the town.

And I’d almost be inclined to give Twiggy a nottadouche pass, even in spite of the frosted flake hair, but then he had to go all chest-shave.

Shaving and displaying the chest in a nightclub is like punching Buddha in the balls.

She has delightful satin curves, and I would address her parents as “Mr. and Mrs. Pinkhott” before jumping her in the car after the Bon Jovi tribute concert ended. Because I’m classy that way.

# posted by douchebag1

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