Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Real World: Joeywood

Emails have been pouring in since the new season of The Real World began that I should feature preening greaseball Jersey beach trash “Joey” on the site.

Is Joey a scrotal fungus of club culture greased up backwash? Let me consult my Magic 8-Ball:

The DB1 shakes his Magic 8-Ball, and no, this is not a euphemism for fondling myself.

DB1: Magic 8-Ball. Is Joey from The Real World Hollywood a huge douche?

Magic 8-Ball: Are you serious? Is this even a question?

DB1: Well, I thought I’d be fair about it and give him a chance.

Magic 8-Ball: Give it up, fondleboy, calling Joey a douche is like predicting tomorrow’s weather will include air. Now put me back in the closet next to your stuffed giraffe and let my blue water congeal in peace.

Well, looks like we didn’t need Magic 8-Ball after all. Regardless, Joey’s mom is hott.

So here he is, Real World fans. Bulgy, spiky, and smelling like a mixture between Axe Bodyspray and foot fungus. Joey from The Real World: Hollywood. Certified Real Douche.

# posted by douchebag1

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