Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Donkey Douche Lives

One of the first breakout doucherstars of this site, and an all time fave in the hallowed Hall of Scrote, Donkey Douche wanted to drop by and say “unggggh.” You can also see DD’s glorious ascendancy up douchal hierarchy here, here, here, and here.

And not only is DD dropping by, but bring The Holy Blue Triangle with him.

It’s sort of like discovering Winona Ryder once dated Corey Haim. Whole universes of wrong collide in space/time impossibility, leaving only a swirling vortex of illogic that smells vaguely like Axe, Red Bull and cherry lipstick.

Welcome back, DD. We missed mocking you. And while it’s true that I’d krunk dance across a field of angry snapping turtles just for the opportunity to masticate on HBT’s high school retainer, I would do so lamenting my loss of dignity the entire time.

# posted by douchebag1

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