Tuesday, July 22, 2008

HCwDB in San Francisco – July 27th

Your humble narrator on all things boobie/poopie,The DB1, will be doing a book reading and signing this Sunday, July 27th, at the Virgin Megastore in San Francisco (2 Stockton St) at 4pm.

Come by, share a Ho-Ho and a red plastic cup of the ‘Train and listen to me pontificate on the unholy dialectic of hott/douche commingling.

In trying to imagine what would be uniquely Franciscan Douchescrotery, this couple was all I could come up with. Am I off-base in pinning down the S.F. hott/scrote in pic form?

Come say hi on Sunday, San Franciscan HCwDB Fans. Represent.

In addition, I will be interviewed on tomorrow’s (Wednesday’s) Mancow radio show. And if you’d like to hear my July 10th appearance on KROQ’s Kevin & Bean check it out (starts almost halfway in).

# posted by douchebag1

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