Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reader Mail: b4-4 and Ireland

(warning: This b4-4 music video not safe for children, small woodland creatures, and humans with even rudimentary levels of self awareness)

cieran writes in all the way from Ireland:


i’m from ireland love your site man but is it possible douchebags are mostly native to the americas? here in ireland i can honestly say i’ve never seen a real douchebag in the wild. we have no pool parties no fraternities and no red cups. colin farrel is a class a douche for sure but other than that i cant think of a single one. also that b4-4 video is amazing.

you should take the site down and just put a link to that vid because it has it all douche headlocks ab lobsters and just generally reeks of srotatalia.

please hit me back db1 your legendary status has reached as far as ireland and it would mean alot to hear back from you. cheers mate-


Well observed, Ciaran, and on behalf of the douchal plague unleashed on the world by American mass media spectacle and name brand culture, I apologize. But since b4-4 is from Canada, they must share in the North American shame of scrotological fungus we have unleashed.

But Ciaran raises a good point — Colin Farrell. Huge fungus of cultural decay.

You need to take at least a little responsibility for global scrotology, Ireland. You used to be the land of James Joyce, Oscar Wilde and The Pogues. Colin Farrell has rendered your glorious history of poetry, literature, music and art moot.

Do something. Mock him until he goes away.

# posted by douchebag1

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