Thursday, July 17, 2008

Reader Mail: Henry's 'Bag Tag



Long-time reader, first-time writer. I was in San Diego for a buddy’s bachelor party this past weekend and to celebrate the 4th, we decided to hangout at the beach front patio of our hotel, which as a common area had many hotts.

One such Hott was the cute brunette in the attached pic. Soon enough she remarked about some Eminem-wannabe douche scrote (who was trying to start his own New Douche Move 2008 by “Running with the Absolut”). I immediately realized her ‘bag hunter potential and showed her your site on my Blackberry. She became an immediate fan.

By the time she was ready to tag her first, the high level game had vacated, but we were able to corner the low-level scrote pictured. While he is absent mandanas or hand gestures, I believe that the soul patch, arched eyebrow, and especially the chain & lock arm tattoo are proof positive of Grieco infection.


PS – I promised her that her ‘bag tag would make it on-line, so if the pic is clear enough please help this fellow douche-hunter in pursuit of the hott keep his word and keep guiding this ‘bag-hunting padawan.

Nicely done, sir. Now put down the keyboard and follow up with that girl by massaging her ankles with tea tree oil and a dash of parsley, while humming the theme to Stripes. That move never fails.

# posted by douchebag1

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