Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Douchebaguette

Many readers have emailed to ask why I don’t focus more on the Douchebaguette, aka “The Bleeth.”

The interesting thing about female douchedom is that when you do stumble across a pic of a female uberscrote (like here), she’s usually posing with a guy who takes the douche to a level far beyond the gum snapping stage-4 Bleethdom that Carmen Douchelectra has ascended.

Apparently Douchebaguettes can’t even mate on their own level. They require next-generation douche. Perhaps something to aspire to.

Which makes sense if you think about it. Grieco-to-Bleeth virus transmission would naturally result in lag-time between choad and subsequent hott descent into toxicity.

But, on the plus side, at least she took a nip out of his nose.

# posted by douchebag1

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