Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday Riffs and Hand Grenades

So how did Chet and Cynthia get their hands on the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?

That’s right. Busting the Python references on a Friday. Because I’m on a movie reference kick.  

Riffing the pop culture froth and detritus like an MST3K Sliver Surfer on Benzedrine. Surfing the wave of indexing and callbacks through the prism of comic book culture and pixelated noisewash in the downloadable age. Where bodies are canvasses and name brands are eroticized extensions of the self.

Where the masses are confused and the rest of us know that John Mayer couldn’t hold Stevie Ray Vaughn’s jock, that Desmond was the coolest character in Fast Times at Ridgemont and that the only truly great comedies after the glorious Landis Run ended in 1988 were A Fish Called Wanda, The Big Lebowski and Office Space.

Those of who know that all it took to seduce drunk Sarah Lawrence girls in the early 00s was a box of wine and a Mazzy Star CD. Set on shuffle. And repeat.

It’s Friday, and your humble narrator, The DB1 ruminates on the scrotal plague of the nation’s hottie supply and wonders if the E.P.A. will ever get around to monitoring Axe Bodyspray as a national pollutant.

New York is beautiful and loud and noisy, and I enjoy my Bistro Burger at the Corner Bistro and wonder if there’s a bug spray to remove the Bridge and Tunnel crowd.

# posted by douchebag1

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