Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ask DB1: Douche Shirts

greetings douchebag1

I was wondering if you would give me the great honor of asking for feedback of your community on a douche-related dilemma i have been struggling with.

My trade is as an artist and a graphic designer, and I love artsy tshirt designs. I have been wanting to start a line of catchy and beautiful tshirts. However, it gives me great pain to realize that most of the scrotes pictured on your site see to love all that artsy shit.

My fear is that I will design a shirt that ends up worn by someone on your site. Will it be acceptable to clothe said douches as long as I take a lot of their money? Is it possible I can design a great looking shirt that attracts quality, non-douche types? Please help!

a big fan,

– peter

Excellent question, Pete. The larger question is whether you are willing to participate in the Doucho-Industrial Complex in service of coin. However, I’m inclined to encourage you to be as creative as you can be in your designs, and not to worry about scrotal reinscription of your work. Provided you do not do the following:

1. Add fake or cryptic foreign languages to the design
2. Write the words “Ed” or “Hardy” in an annoying yellow cursive
3. Add your own name or your brand name at any point as a major element of the design
4. Toss splotchy dots of paint on the shirt
5. Add “pre-ripped” rips and tears

That about covers it. Good luck, sir.

# posted by douchebag1

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