Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Douchebags of the Living Dead

HCwDB’s own Baron von Goolo brings the genius.

DB1 –

I said I’d do it and I’ll be dang-darned if I din’do it.

My modest Halloween venture, FrightTown, opened on the 4th and Baron Von Goolo’s Museum of Horrors has been featuring The Douchebags of the Living Dead. Even though local TV stations have made us call it the Spring Break of The Living Dead in our commercials, I think the message of antibaggery and social mockery still comes through.

I’ve included a photo of last night’s Zom’bags and the New Jersey Devil that accompanied them. We have attempted to reproduce as many of your trademark identifiers as possible – all the way down to the Zom’bags popping patrons’collars for them and then spritzing them with AXE (which doesn’t piss nearly as many people off as I’d have predicted).

Every night’s Zom’bags are different but the 70’s porn star cum Mark Spitz mullet Zom’bag was so impressive (and by ‘impressive’ I mean ‘bile-churning’) that I definitely wanted to share this crop. And sadly, even though her boa is obscuring them, the New Jersey Devil was a cleavite on a brobdingnagian scale. Rest assured that the photographer was boxed soundly about the ears for letting that slip by.

Any baghunters in the Portland area should give us a gander, and share the love at frighttown.com.

Three weeks to go. Then my coma. Then I’ll be back to baghunting in our own little cul-de-sac of spite with the rest of the pack. I miss you all. You most of all, Scarecrow.

– Baron von Goolo

Excellent work, BvG. I’m humbled and in awe.

Last year’s crop of Hottie/Douche Halloween costumes were so amazing that I’m offering a free autographed copy of my book to the best HCwDB costume. Just send me a pic of your costume, and we’ll see who can out-bra the broheims for the win.

(pro members of von Goolo’s troupe excluded from this offer)

# posted by douchebag1

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