Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Purg Hottie Returns?

Long time readers of HCwDB will remember that last year I developed an unhealthy obsession with an utterly angelic ball of tiny brunette ambiguously librarian hott I dubbed “Purg Hottie.”

Purg Hottie earned her name for her angelic presence interlocked with club douche in a sort of bottle service purgatory between heaven and hell.

Purg Hottie was the rare hott indeed, able to attract numerous stage-4 uberdouches into her orbit, while seemingly unBleethed the entire time.

Witness the lineup of scrotes, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

But is this P.H.?

Has she returned to haunt me with her naughty ruler spanking ways, all the while surrounded by club poo?

# posted by douchebag1

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