Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday Thoughts and Links

Friday Thoughts and Links on this quiet post-Christmas Friday:

A clean-shaven, pensive, Brothabag Leon celebrates his 2008 Douchie Award by gettin’ down with tha Jerz Ladiez. That hair is getting creepily Milennium ‘Bag on us.

Burger King is now selling bodyspray. The scent of seduction mixed with flame broiled burgers. Have it your way.

2008 Douchie Runner-Up for “Most Likely to be Part of the Guggenheim’s Permanent Collection in 2023,” Sundays’ in the Part with Jorge’s Jorge celebrates with a friend.

Awww… isn’t it cute when High School seniors get all emo and porny for their prom.

Up north in Canada, they have their own issues with “Mystery”-like clubchoad asshats trying to “score the ladiez” in a show called Keys to the VIP. And by “VIP,” they mean something that uses the acronym “V.I.P” but means cockgoblins.

Nub loves the barely legals. And the barely legals love Nub.

MTV douche Brody Jenner emulates the legend that is Samurai Scrote. And speaking of Samurai Scrote…

Finally, the most important link you will ever click on:

The Legend that is Samurai Scrote Infiltrates the silent raw footage off a music video shoot while Carly Hott dances (no sound)

Carly Hott first appears at :26 seconds, while S.S. rocks the pink guitar in the foreground. S.S. finally makes his full presence known 1:15-1:50.

And you say I didn’t get you anything for Christmas.

# posted by douchebag1

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