Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ask DB1: Night of the Living Hardys

Dear DB1,

I have a question that maybe you’ve been asked before but maybe you could help me find an answer.

While on my morning commute, I was overwhelmed by the sight of a walking Ed Hardy ad. I’m talking the whole nine yards. Hat, oversized hoodie, bedazzled jeans and terrible terrible shoes. I’m guessing he couldn’t afford to buy a car what with his clothing costing him a small fortune and he sat down across from me on the bus. His eyebrows were more sculpted then mine and he had the permanent pout, it was ridiculous. A true douchebag by every meaning of the word.

What was the most annoying though, was that he was blasting his music and bobbing up and down to the beat. Being as I was right across from him I could make out the music quite well. My question is this since there is clearly signs of being a douchebag like clothing, is there such a thing as ‘bagTunes? Music that a douchebag would love? And if so, how come the rest of us are exempt, or are we?

Keep up the great work,


‘bagTunes, a subsidiary of iTunes, is launching its Beta version at Ed Hardy kiosks in malls across America in March. Look for collars to begin popping with delight shortly thereafter.

# posted by douchebag1

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