Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Thoughts and Links

My Friday thoughts congeal like agar in a 10th grade science experiment.

I like the boobie hottie. Even the Bleethed Boobie Hottie holds merit. For boobie hottie suckle thighs are as clear as an unmuddied lake, sir. As clear as an azure sky on deepest summer. Boobie hottie suckle thighs make blue birds sing zip-a-dee-doo-dah out of their ass. And suckle thighs make the humpty dance do the dance do the hump.

Here’s your Friday links:

Dear Abby: My Grandson is a Douche.

Why bother to spray on the orange when you can orangify in pill form?

When he’s alone in the bathroom, Kettlehead perfects his eyebrow look.

Down in Florida, HCwDB legend The Ab Lobster is going into business.

Refractions in the Douche Simulacrum.

I’m definitely excited by this just-released still from the recently greenlit Sex and the City sequel.

Chris Dane Owens definitively proves there is no God.

And finally, HCwDB’s own Hall of Hott legend, Veronica, will be interviewed about her tatts on the G4 Network today, check it out. (Veronica pic courtesy of the DB1 Private Collection)

Go forth. Go forth and turn poo into anti-poo. Be a voice of douchecycling transformation. For you need no product to find the self. Only thought.

# posted by douchebag1

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