Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reader Mail: Suburban Kid Growing Up in Guido-Ville

suburban kid growing up in Guido-ville writes in:

Hey fellow douche hater.

I’ve been lurking your glorious and ever so loved sight for quite some time and finally, the corner of my eye perked at some contact info and I immediately went for it.

First allow me to introduce myself. I am a suburban kid growing up in Guido-ville, Staten Island, where 60-75 percent of the douchiest, amazingly idiotic tangerine kids are born and raised. I’ve seen some scary shit dude.

But, I also made some observations that, well, cut these douche bags some slack. Yes! I said it. If this scheme or false image is in fact “working” for these ass holes, then why challenge it? If the identity crisis is present, the best thing these douches can do is use it to what has been working for them. Hotties!

I’m just saying, you don’t hate on retarded people for being retarded, do you? Well in a sense, douche bags just aren’t that much different.

– Staten Islander

Well your thesis was intriguing, but to argue for forgiveness of the douche due to the “working” of their game goes against my entire premise. Therefore I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

# posted by douchebag1

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