Monday, February 9, 2009

Sammy is Nottadouche

Sometimes you just gotta tip your ubiquitous red cup of Night Train wine and say good for you, large, round, pudgy Sammy.

It may be true that your B.O. smells like onions and you flop-sweat like a stuck pig even when it’s 25 degrees out. And yes, you’re still struggling to get your degree in “Computer Science” from that ad you answered in the back of the Penny Saver.

But you are happy and prideful of your dual balls of hott-mound without any need to make poseur “gangsta” gestures or douche-face. Without annoying bling or hat tilt.

They are lovely. Arm gnawing face melting balls of sucklability.

So good for you, Sammy. Major props. You’ve earned a nottadouche and go in peace.

# posted by douchebag1

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