Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reader Mail: The Brotherbag

Dear Douchebag1,

I was recently introduced to your website by a classmate and upon viewing the images that adorn your lovely page I gasped out loud, “My God! They all look like my brother!” It is true, I am a blood relative of a 100% Grade A douchebag (pic attached).

I live with the fear that one day, if I were to have a son, he may be afflicted with this unfortunate and shame-inspiring malady that has affected the males in my family for generations. But, at least I have now found a place of like-minded individuals who share my frustration with Douchebagitis. Thank you for bringing attention to Douchebagitis, and let us hope that one day there will be a cure. But until then we can all laugh our asses off.

A Douchebag’s Sis


Much like when a family member converts to Scientology, joins the Hare Krishnas, or starts watching Dancing with the Stars claiming ironic detachment but you know it isn’t, the sibling you once knew is now gone, A.D.S. The only solution is to firehose his ass when he’s crossing the street, and then mock his hat tilt from a safe distance.

# posted by douchebag1

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