Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break and the Poo/Hott Problem

Those of us who grew up in the 1980s learned from a prepubescent age that Spring Break was a fictional sex paradise in which young Hollywood actors like Johnny Depp and Tim Robbins would get drunk, go on panty-raids, get revenge on the jocks, and score ridiculously hot ass pear.

But what about today?

The wacky hijinks? They still ensue. But, sadly, the douchwank plague has taken over.

HCwDB’s own CK is on the scene, purely as an impartial ethnographer of course, and sends us this pic, taken at yesterday’s festivities in Miami.

Here’s a second pic, courtesy of our ‘bag tagging undercover operative.

So what have we learned?

The boobie hotties are still of prime suckle thigh. But instead of wacky comedies, the whole thing smells like global Jerz horror show. Very annoying.

# posted by douchebag1

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