Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anti-‘Bag Aura

Tank actually illustrates the inverse of yesterday’s “Scrotal Aura” in that he’s less douchey than the sum of his parts.

Sure he’s gone the smug grin, the incomprehensible body tatts, the tighty-tight black d-beater, and a spiky hair point.

But his embrace of Banana Daiquiri Lemon Drop is relatively unthreatening. Overall he just comes off as generic. In short, despite so many douchal signifiers, he’s actually less douchey than the math states he should be.

It’s a rare occurrence, and we should take note. And by note, I mean yellow bikini bottoms make the Sultan break into song.

EDIT: Here’s a second pic of Banana Daiquiri Lemon Drop to confirm the uberhott.

EDIT #2: April Fools!! He’s a huge douche.

# posted by douchebag1

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