Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Thoughts and Links

After suffering through yesterday’s site freezes, your humble narrator decided to hop a plane and head North.

Heeding the clarion call of needing to exit smoggy Los Angeles for the confines of Rice and Roni, my alcoholic ass is in the lovely S.F. for the weekend.

One thought becomes clear in my drunk, addled mind: The supple lower nape of the neck of hotts, aged 18-24, is the Veal Parmigiana on the menu of corporeal desire.

Here’s your links:

Orange Tanning problems, in the First Person.

Axe comes up with a new marketing strategy. Classy.

Uberdouche Arthur Kade explains why nailing a girl on his couch just isn’t worth his time. Until he can buy a bed, that is.

Asher Roth. Ironic, subversive artist? Or douche by another name?

Chuggo performs at a Sean Hannity Tea Bagging event. It makes such perfect cosmic sense.

Hot Chicks with Primates

If you’re feeling blue, just watch B4-4 Get Down on You. I’ve posted it before, but god damn that just never gets old.

Stuff “Stuff White People Likes” Likes to “Take Inspiration” From Other Blogs

And finally, for all of your hard work mocking the choadscrotes and celebrating the suckle shoulder with me this week, as well as putting up with yesterday’s site freezes, here’s your top shelf sorority Ass Pear.

Go forth and multiply.

Or at least crack open a PBR and breathe deep a breath of weekend.

# posted by douchebag1

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