Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Teacher Tagging


so i’m a teacher. who happens to have a facebook page because, well, i have friends of my own with whom i like to correspond. sometimes my students (primarly the undergrads for some reason) find me on facebook and want to ‘friend’ me. it’s annoying, but i don’t want to hurt their feelings, and so i accept.

this chick is one of those undergrads. i’ve never actually spoken to her and i may have given her a crappy grade in one class i had with her. i don’t remember. there are so many of them. regardless, it quickly became apparent that she was going to yield a choice ‘hot chick with douchebag’ picture at some point. i’ve been checking every once in a while since she ‘friended’ me. there have been several close calls… but i didn’t pull the trigger on a submission because i just wasn’t convinced the guys were douchebaggie enough.

and then this one came along. and so i send it off to you. because i knew the girl had it in her somewhere. and behold! she does. in her defense, she’s an international student from bulgaria so she’s not operating on the same cultural norms that you and i are. but pretty obviously, there are f’in colossal douchebags in bulgaria.

my work here is done =)

— Teacherette

Excellent work, ‘Ette, and may all Bulgarian Eastern-Euro Suckle Thighs come to America to study. And become confused and disorientated, eventually playing naked Twister with the DB1 under a train overpass at 2am after shooting at rats by the junkyard.

# posted by douchebag1

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