Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ask DB1: What About Bleeth-to-'Bag?


Dear DB1,

The fiance and I were at a wedding this weekend that featured several classic LA wannabe entertainment industry douches and bleethed-out hotts up in the Sonoma wine country.

Strangely, there was one couple where the hott was Bleethed-out far beyond redemption but her dude was only exhibiting minimal Stage 1 douche/scrote/choad signifiers. His beard was overly trimmed but that was about it. No oversized sunglasses, no tats, hair was not gelled, no foul stench of Axe, etc.

So our question is this: Can a Bleeth cause an otherwise regular dude to gradually fall into pit of the all-mighty Sarlacc that is douchebaggery?

Thank You,
Ronnie James Diouche

Excellent question, Ronnie. What you describe is the less common Bleeth-to-‘Bag viral transmission. This only occurs in situations where the Bleeth is so polluted by ‘bag virus, that she flips from incubator to pollutant/carrier.

It is also less common because by the time most hotts reach a stage-4 Douchebaguette state, they are completely surrounded by stage-3 and stage-4 douches, and so the non-‘bag rarely faces exposure (see Exhibit A, pictured here).

But it does happen, as you witnessed this past weekend. And when it does, it’s very pooey.

# posted by douchebag1

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