Monday, May 18, 2009

Breaking: Dane Cook Mocks "Haters," Still a Huge Douche


Did you see the new Dane Cook that was out on Comedy Central today? He has an entire section on “haters”.

Why is it that every time I hear the word “haters” come out of anyone’s mouth, I can’t help but want to just give them a cock punch? Is there any way to say haters without sounding like a tool?

– Shamespear the Magnificent

With apologies to the Dane Cookesque Jeff Foxworthy, if you use the word “hater,” you might be a douchebag.

And yes I know it’s passe to hate Dane Cook at this point. But I just can’t help myself. If douchebaggery is defined as the phoniness of the constructed performative spectacle to acquire the suckle thigh, than who if not Dane Cook? The man could make ordering fries at a Wendys sound like a well rehearsed, focus group tested career move.

# posted by douchebag1

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