Thursday, May 7, 2009

Reader Mail: Taylor Loves Bra!!

Dear Great and Mighty Douchebag1,

I know I am but a mere college undergrad girl, but I come to you humbly asking if it would it be possible for you to post more pictures of Bra, please?

PLEASE??? The guy’s like a slice of Heaven meant for nerdy girls like myself to ogle over between Calculus and Accounting class.

There is nothing I want more than to place my head on his soft yet firm tummy and nibble on the underside of his starry arms. I understand you can only post pics when you get them and people might not be sending them to you, but if you could just put any pictures that you do get in the Bra section along with the others it would be so freakin awesome of you.

You don’t even have to write anything, you are a very busy guy with eating all those Ho-hos and murdered Peeps and all, so just the pics will suffice. I don’t care if it’s him like brushing his teeth, or flossing, or clipping his toenails. Eww gross never mind, I hate feet. But pretty much anything other than him touching his feet would be perfectly delicious and enough for me to “be happy” for days.

ps. do you happen to know his MySpace? *evil happy grin* b/c I definitely wouldn’t visit it.
— Taylor


I have no idea what to make of this email. Sarcastic? Sincere? A real college coed? A guy pretending to be a college coed?

Confused, I will instead recline in repose with a tasty cola beverage. Pepsi. No, Dr. Pepper. No. Pepsi.

# posted by douchebag1

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