Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Thoughts and Links

No deep thoughts from your humble narrator today. I’m satiated on sugary products and alcohol. The emails are flowing. The show is doing well on MTV. I’m good.

Although I do wonder when getting the Chinese tattoo for “Honky Suckass” below one’s right ear became trendy.

Here’s your links:

Attention High School Students, the Unemployed, or anyone with Garish Taste and No Future: Ed Hardy Video Internship now available.

Live Fast, Die Douchey.

When did “Celebrity Chefs” start to crossover into douched out asspimples? First Guy Fieri, now this guy. And what the hell is a “celebrity chef” anyway? You apply fire to dead animal carcasses. You are not a “celebrity.” You are a glorified utensil. Now get yer ass back in the kitchen and fetch me my chicken pot pie, clown.

Anti-Douchebag Collar Clips.

Hitch! Now you can get in shape and become a douche all at the same time!

Brothabags run a love train on an ottoman. This is extremely, extremely gay, although apparently unintentionally so, and there’s no hott counterbalance. But it’s also hilarious.

Via Attack of the Show, Eagle pwns Goat. It’s apropos of nothing, but I enjoyed it. Nature kicks ass. It’s like videogames. Only real.

College Humor’s Tattoo Fight is amusing if you’re bored.

And, for another excellent week from everyone in the threads and all the lurkers who read the site,…

You’ve earned it. Your Friday Brazilian Twin Volleyball Player Ass Pear.

And if that ain’t enough Ass Pear, booya. It’s like two basketballs fighting over a peanut.

# posted by douchebag1

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