Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Schmuckhead Says “Eurobags Got Nuthin’ on ‘Mericanbags!”

What’s that? HCwDB of the Week winner Schmuckhead is coming into the ring!! And he looks pissed, Bob. Lets see if we can get a quick interview.

(handing mic to Schmuckhead)

Schmuckhead: I’se brinin’ my a-game to take down that Eurofag on Monday!!

Schmuckhead, what do you say to your critics that think you’re probably going to get trounced by Smoot?

Schmuckhead: I challenge anyone out there who thinks that to say it to my abs!!

Okay Schmuckhead, tell us then. Why do you think you’ll win on Monday?

Schmuckhead: I gots the hotts, bro!! Check my tri-hott ass pear in my first pic. And now, look at this pear right here, licking my abs. I’m a huge freakin’ douche, bro!! Even I hate me!!

That’s a complex split within your psyche there, Schmuckhead.

Schmuckhead: I have deep fissures in my identity constructs. I blame the external stimulii of a fragmented life.

Monday. The HCwDB of the Month.

# posted by douchebag1

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