Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Thoughts and Links

And by “party,” he means grab his nads.

There’s probably way too many links for this week, so I’ll forgo my usual ramblings and get straight to the goodstuffs:

Follow your humble narrator on Twitter.

The only sex video you will ever need to see. Big Jim Slade satisfies all. And the capitol of Nebraska is Lincoln.

The reason YouTube was invented. And no, I have no idea who made this, or why.

A reader snapped a pic of my future ex-wife’s car. Figures she’d take me for a Benz.

Young suburbanite Tom O’Connor discovers autotune, becomes a douchebag. As per a comment, this is what it sounds like when doves cry.

A number of other readers are naming their fantasy football teams after HCwDB characters, but This was my favorite. But where’s Matt Stafford and Jeff Reed?

Okay, I’ll admit it. Last night, drunk on Night Train, I found myself attracted to Flo, the Kooky Progressive Insurance Girl. Mock me if you must.

The great charactor actor Henry Gibson passed away this week. Gibson had a role in the coolest movie of all time, and more recently was hilarious in Wedding Crashers. RIP Blues Brother Nazi. “Write the check, Roger!”

Patrixxx wins Douchiest Myspace of the Week. Maybe the Month. Yikes. “Celebrate your success and stand strong when adversity hits, for when the storm clouds come in, the eagles soar while the small birds take cover…”

The University of Virginia, dipped in irony like a chocolate laser beam, tries to defend its douchery. Any state with a Man-assas Junction has problems.

But before we get to our Ass Pear, how’s a little Asspearlepsy to fire up the synapses?

What? Too annoying?

Okay, here ya go: Bite Me Ass Pear.

# posted by douchebag1

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