Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday Thoughts and Links

Our first full week of the new year, and HCwDB is firing on all cylinders. The comments threads are poppin’, the douches are mock worthy, and the hotties desire suckle.

If you’d like to say hi to your humble narrator on our collective journey of mock/lust, submit a pic, or if you’re a female between the ages of 18-24 and would like to meet a drunk, hungover alcoholic with itchy calves, drop me a line.

While I frequently forget to respond, I read everything, and always appreciate hearing from fellow hunters and huntresses. Also, HCwDB submissions are what keep the site’s pics fresh on a daily basis. And by fresh, I mean festering poopie diaper. So send quality hottie/douchey pics. Or else I’ll have to do some real work around here.

Your humble narrator is heading back to sunny Los Angeles as we wrap post on season #2 of my show on MTV, Is She Really Going Out With Him? And I prepare to try to get the darn movie made.

Things is good. Hava tequila.

Here’s your links:

Don’t forget, the DB1 is on Twitter. Follow my ass.

Honey, doesn’t that look like a?… Oh, nevermind.

Upset that he’s now losing roles to the far superior Jesse Eisenberg, Michael Cera goes Guido with the help of some douche from The Jersey Shore.

Reader Kevin gives the site some love.

And another HCwDB endorsement by Stephen Metcalf on Slate’s Gabfest (in the last minute or so of the podcast).

Meanwhile, HCwDB of the Week winner Stackhouse hates Christians.

Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Klausen puts in an early bid for 2010 Douchiest Athlete.

The Biggest Douche in Hollywood. Kade style.

David Letterman on ‘The Douche Thing’.

And, because you’ve been good this week, suffering through so many hottie/douchey cohabitations, you deserve a quality shot of biteable cheek. The last of the 2009 Christmas ass pear:

Rudolph Pear.

Oh, hell, I’m feeling generous.

Have some Fireside Pear too.

Don’t say I never did nothin’ for ya.

# posted by douchebag1

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